● 6.6% in printing-packaging
● 5% in construction materials
● 5% in clothing-footwear
● 5% operate as export consultants-representa-
Next on the list are plastics, IT-software, pharma-
ceuticals-cosmetics, chemical fertilizers etc.,
while the remaining 12% comes under the head-
ing “Other Sectors”, which includes a multitude of
activities, nonetheless verifying the extrovert ten-
dencies of a wide range of business sectors.
The survey shows that three quarters of new
export companies are based in the wider area of
the capital (prefecture of Attica), subject to the
possibility that a number of new export compa-
nies have registered with other exporter associa-
tions (Northern Greece, Crete).
It should be noted, though, that, as shown by
other surveys, at least half of Greek exports
depart from the prefecture of Attica; however, in
the three-year period 2010-12 other Greek
regions made a dynamic entry into the field of
exports, such as the regions of Western Greece,
Central Macedonia etc.
The deep crisis that the Greek economy is going
through and the Greek society is experiencing at
a great cost may have stimulated Greek exports,
contributing, for the reasons explained above, to
their spectacular growth, but at the same time
made many, if not all, realize that there is no
steady prosperity without a solid productive
base. It proved that economic and social disas-
ter is not a remote possibility when fiscal deficits
and output shortages are combined into an
explosive mix.
It also alerted many researchers to the causes of
the loss of competitiveness and the consequent
deterioration of Greece’s current account during
Trade with Greece