Trade with Greece - 2013 - page 64

emphasis was placed on innovation and the pro-
motion of each region’s comparative advantages.
Especially for retail trade, an activity of obvious
importance for the Greek economy and employ-
ment, a special NSRF-financed action will be
soon proclaimed.”
It should be noted that the ministry asked the
regions to classify the KADs that are eligible for
inclusion to the programme, in three categories
(high, medium and low priority). This ranking will
be taken into account during the assessment of
the proposals, in order to give emphasis to the
sectors that offer comparative advantages to
each region.
Moreover, the submission of proposals for inclu-
sion to the programme ICT4GROWTH (Business
Aid for Implementing Investment projects in the
Development and Provision of Innovative
Products and Value-Added Services), budgeted
120 million, began on January 14.
The programme’s main aim is to provide assis-
tance to business plans for the design, develop-
ment and marketing of innovative products and
value-added services related to, or based on, infor-
mation and communications technologies (ICT).
A major breakthrough of the ICT4GROWTH ini-
tiative is that the final amount of the aid will be
linked to quantitative targets, such as employ-
Trade with Greece
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