Fund for Greek SMEs etc.), aimed at improv-
ing the enterprise’s liquidity;
13.Preparation of a user-friendly Guide, for all
regions, complete with all information required
by the interested parties.
The call for proposals for the action, the imple-
mentation Guide and its Appendices have been
posted on the websites of the Managing Authority
of the Operational Programme ‘Competitiveness
, and the Agency for the
Management of the Operational Programme
‘Competitiveness & Entrepreneurship’ (EFEPAE)
The main features of the action:
● Eligible businesses include micro, small and
medium-sized enterprises, either existing (for
two or more fiscal years) or start-ups, which
operate in the manufacturing, tourism and
commerce-services sectors.
● Subsidized budgets range from
30,000 to
300,000 in manufacturing,
20,000 to
300,000 in tourism, and
20,000 to
in commerce-services.
● The deadline for the completion of the invest-
ments is 15 months since the issuance of the
decision for the incorporation of projects
regarding the manufacturing and tourism sec-
tors and 12 months in regard to commerce-
services. The deadline can be extended for
three months, following a request from the
beneficiary of the aid.
● Eligible expenses include: buildings-facilities,
machinery-production equipment, means of
transportation, environmental protection and
energy-saving equipment and facilities, know-
how rights, quality assurance system certifica-
tion, software and related services, promotion-
advertisement, consultants’ fees and operating
● The applications must be submitted electroni-
cally, via
In regard to the Business Activity Codes (KAD),
i.e. the activities that can be included in the
action, and in response to the protests from the
representatives of retail trade enterprises about
their exclusion from Community financing, the
ministry stated that it carefully heard the demands
and suggestions made by the representatives of
the business world, adding that:
“It is self-evident that the inclusion of as many
sectors as possible to the programme is an aim,
not only of the business world, but also of the min-
istry’s political leadership. Based on the directions
given by the European Commission, this time
Trade with Greece