Trade with Greece
to export, while its main purpose was to outline
the “New Greek Exporter’s Profile”.
Bypassing issues related to the methodology of
the survey, we are presenting its main findings
31.6% of the enterprises that became export-
oriented (2010-11) are sociétés anonymes,
23.3% are limited liability companies, 18.3% are
sole proprietorships, 16.6% are general partner-
ships, 8.3% are limited partnerships and the
remaining 1.6% are farmers’ co-operatives.
Based on the number of persons employed and
the annual turnover, three-fifths of new extrovert
businesses belong to the small and medium-
sized enterprises category.
Notwithstanding the caution required when reach-
ing conclusions, the data seem to corroborate the
apparent growth of the country’s export base, as
small and medium-sized enterprises have been
gradually incorporating exports into their business
strategies, not in an ad hoc or coincidental man-
ner, but as a growth choice. It should be noted
that, until the early 2010s, the overall profile of
Greek exporters was (approximately) the follow-
ing: one-fourth large and very large enterprises,
one-third small and micro enterprises, and the
remainder medium-sized enterprises.
Reasonable interest is raised by the classifica-
tion of new export companies, based on the sur-
vey’s findings:
● 30% of new companies are active in the food
● 10% in machinery-equipment
● 8.3% in transport-transport equipment