The most important reform concerns the electronic
submission of applications for certificates, licenses,
authorizations, as well as the encouragement of
exporters to use electronic procedures. The sys-
tem for the electronic submission of documentation
to customs offices will have been completed by the
end of 2013, while the introduction of e-payments
for all cross-border trade-related administrative
agencies will be completed in 2014.
The benefits for Greece
These actions are budgeted at a total of approxi-
mately €14,550,000. The funding resources are
expected to be covered by EU structural funds.
According to Greek officials, the actions will pro-
duce great benefits by:
● reducing the administrative burden, freeing up
resources and increasing efficiency;
● producing more precise statistical data and
more direct information, thus enabling the
state to intervene whenever required;
● ensuring the proper allocation of revenues and
enhancing security and transparency in trans-
● improving the compliance culture and the com-
pliance rate among exporters.
Senior government officials say that this trade
facilitation strategy can become the cornerstone
of Greece’s economic regeneration. The full
implementation of this road map and, by exten-
sion, the overall reform of export procedures, can
undoubtedly become the success story that will
set the example for other important reforms.
Export survey: Global recession
threatens to slow down exports
Various surveys (SWOT analyses) conducted by
the Panhellenic Exporters Association (PSE) in
regard to the growth of exports in 2013, reveal a
series of threats to Greek exports:
These include the following:
● The recession is expected to persist in many
EU countries that are Greece’s main trading
● More than 40% of exporters are facing severe
liquidity problems, also due to delays in VAT
refund disbursement.
● The smooth operation of Greece’s banking
system has not been yet restored, thus affect-
ing the ability to absorb NSRF funds.
● As far as the implementation of Greece’s
International Economic Policy is concerned,
competency overlaps continue to exist among
more than 5 ministries.
Trade with Greece