conditions: Proper design, carefully studied pack-
aging and certification.
2. How to adapt your product for the export
Prepare a plan that includes research and may also
contain the study and mapping of competing prod-
ucts, packaging and presentation, competitive
prices and product acceptance. Exporters should
get potential importers acquainted with their prod-
ucts and discuss with them the conditions concern-
ing the sale and distribution of similar products.
3. How to price your exports
The pricing of exports is a key procedure, since it
takes into account, apart from production costs,
many other factors related to the transportation
and delivery of merchandise to foreign markets.
4. How to promote your product in foreign
The promotion tools available to enterprises are,
more or less, similar to those used in domestic
markets. They include advertisement, promotion-
al material, e-mails, personal visits, participation
in expositions, and corporate websites.
5. How to penetrate foreign markets
In general, the methods for introducing a product
to a foreign market include direct exports, exports
through third parties, and partnerships with
domestic or foreign enterprises.
Similar information, statistical data, and tips about
the financing and insurance of exports, are avail-
able on the website of the Panhellenic Exporters
Trade with Greece