Apart from deregulating low-voltage prices, the
RAE and the MEECC introduced the new Code of
Electricity Supply.
The CES includes, among others, provisions that
specify the contents of the Supply Contracts, the
minimum information that must be included in
electricity bills, as well as the services that suppli-
ers are obliged to provide their customers with.
Of equal importance are the provisions of the
CES that spell out both the suppliers’ obligations
towards their customers and the corresponding
obligations of the consumers, as well as the pro-
cedures for changing a supplier, in order to facili-
tate the development of sound competition to the
benefit of consumers, in accordance with the pro-
visions of EU legislation.
The CES also includes provisions regarding the
Supplier of Last Resort (SoLR) and the Universal
Service Supplier (USS), which incorporate the
experience gained from the recent activation of
these services following the revocation of certain
retail suppliers’ operating licenses.
Moreover, the CPE includes three special
Annexes, setting the guidelines and good prac-
tices all suppliers should adhere to, regarding a)
the pricing of the services provided, b) issues per-
taining to communication with consumers, and c)
the handling of customer demands and com-
Finally, there are also special provisions for safe-
guarding the rights of small customers, especially
those belonging to socially vulnerable groups.
The RAE’s next step in 2013 will be to finalize the
regime for auctioning the power generated by
PPC’s lignite and hydro plants, in order to ensure
the private producers’ entry in the segment of low-
cost generation, which has been the incumbent’s
monopoly up to now.
The year is also expected to bring
developments in the field of hydro-
Norway’s PGS is finalizing its
seismic surveys for the offshore
hydrocarbon fuel deposits in the
Ionian Sea and the area south of
Crete, with a special vessel called
“Nordic Explorer”.
The first official data will be released
within the year, shedding light on the
“mystery” regarding the existence of large
natural gas deposits in Greece. If such
deposits indeed exist, the government intends to
proclaim an international round of block conces-
H o u s e h o l d s
(SPCH), with the
aim of expanding
it, thus “reliev-
ing” as many
consumers as
possible. The
SPSH, which is
42% lower than
regular electricity
prices, is available
to low-income individu-
als, unemployed individu-
als, parents of at least three chil-
dren, disabled individuals, as well as persons with
medical problems requiring mechanical support.
Trade with Greece
to the political lead-
ership of the MEECC, first-
round price increases range
from 8.6% to 12.76% for home
consumers, farmers, as well as
commercial and industrial
enterprises connected to
the low-voltage grid.