In 2012, wind-energy growth in Greece lost its
pace. Despite this fact, total investment amount-
ed to almost
150 million. In addition, the RES
sector as a whole more than
2.5 billion-worth of
investment. These are the findings of the Hellenic
Wind Energy Association (HWEA). This means,
according to HWEA, that the wind energy market
is alive and has lot of potential. Taking into
account the multitude of projects that are mature
for implementation, wind energy can, indeed, take
off in the next two years. It only requires political
stability and a stable investment regime. If these
conditions are not met, the growth rate will con-
tinue to dwindle.
The HWEA has urged the government, the politi-
cal parties and the Greek Parliament to confirm
their support to wind energy, which provides
cheap and clean electricity.
The HWEA presented its Hellenic Wind Energy
Statistics for 2012 (HWD2012). Based on
HWD2012, total wind capacity in commercial or
test operation by the end of 2012 amounted to
1,746 MW.
This capacity is distributed as follows:
● Non-interconnected Greek islands: 284.6 MW
● Interconnected system: 1,461.4 MW
New wind capacity installed in 2012 amounted to
111.75 MW. The growth rate fell to 6.8% year-on-
year, compared to 23.5% in the end of 2011, the
Trade with Greece
Norway’s PGS is final-
izing its seismic surveys for
the offshore hydrocarbon fuel
deposits in the Ionian Sea and
the area south of Crete, with
a special vessel called “Nordic