n fact, within a very short period of time,
amidst a tough financial environment, Greece
managed to secure its financing and promote
significant reforms.
We succeeded in restoring confidence through
our commitment to take all actions necessary for
achieving recovery and development, in accor-
dance with our vision and plan to put Greece back
on the path of growth.
Our priority now is to establish appropriate condi-
tions for sustainable growth, by encouraging for-
eign investments and sound business initiatives.
We are thereby creating the right conditions and
development prospects, so that Greece can make
the most out of its potential:
● We are securing energy efficiency in the long
● We are enhancing energy security through the
diversification of routes and sources of supply.
● We are establishing a competitive energy
market, underpinning vital economic sectors.
Through commitment, consultation and coordi-
nated effort, we are working on improving gener-
al economic condition using
as a tool:
● We are progressively restoring the liquidity and
securing the viability of the energy market, bal-
ancing the burdens among consumers, while
introducing measures for the protection of vul-
nerable groups.
● We are assisting production output through
targeted actions aimed at rationalizing energy
costs, thus supporting the competitiveness of
enterprises and preserving domestic jobs.
● We are reforming the regulatory framework
concerning the wholesale electricity market by
gradually introducing the so called “Target
Model”, eliminating distortions and encourag-
ing competition.
● We are modernizing the operational framework
that governs the fuel market, by implementing
Trade with Greece
This year marks the turning point of the
most important national challenges in
decades. The foundations we have built
with our ongoing reform effort are showing
tangible results and the sacrifices made by
the Greek people are finally starting to bear
Energy and natural
resources contributing
to growth
By Makis Papageorgiou,
Deputy Minister for the Environment, Energy and Climate Change