Trade with Greece
This activity was designed to facilitate both the
applicants’ participation, and the realization of the
investments. For example, the measures aimed
at simplifying procedures and/or assisting benefi-
ciaries include the following:
1.The beneficiaries are not any more obliged to
present evidence of their capability to cover
their own participation (loan and/or equity);
2.Advance payment of up to 100% of the public
expenditure allocated to the project, against a
letter of guarantee of the same amount;
3.The public expenditure component can be paid
with the realization of 30% of the business
4.Advance payments to suppliers are eligible for
certification and financing;
5.A wide range of eligible expenses;
6.Subsidization of operating costs for small and
micro-enterprises (start-ups) of up to 40% of
the budget;
7.Simplification of administration procedures
(reduction of red tape);
8.Adaptation of the regulatory framework to the
needs of each region;
9.Active involvement of the regions in all stages
of the programme’s design and implementa-
10.Classification of eligible Business Activity
Codes (KAD) according to the development
priorities set by each region;
11.A transparent and objective evaluation-selec-
tion system;
12.Access to financing tools (ETEAN, Guarantee
This activity was
designed to facilitate
both the applicants’
participation, and the
realization of the