ment growth and export activity. The realization of
the investments will comprise two distinct stages:
the first stage is about supporting the research &
development of new products/services (R&D
stage), and the second stage is about supporting
the marketing of new products/services (commer-
cialization stage).
The themes of these actions include: energy and
“green” growth; agriculture, fisheries and food;
tourism, culture and entertainment; health and
welfare; electronic communications; transporta-
tion; the new global market of the Internet.
The services developed under ICT4GROWTH
will have to utilize cutting-edge technologies,
diverse media and as many means of distribution
as possible, such as: Virtualization (servers, stor-
age, networks, apps, desktops), Cloud Computing,
Energy Efficiency & Monitoring (IT efficiency &
reuse, reduce of energy consumption), Unified
Communications (technology issues: mobile plat-
forms/integration of corporate and social media
streams, organizational issues), Big Data (unstruc-
tured data, duplication of data, storage - thin provi-
sioning, security, backup - storage resource man-
agement, compression etc.), Grid Technology, Web
2.0, Internet of Things, Open platforms & Open
Source software and applications, Social Networks
and business Media/digital marketing, Mobile serv-
ices - smart devices and applications evolution,
Location based services/GIS.
The investments can be realized in all parts of the
Greek territory, with the exception of investments
falling under Category II Large Investment Plans,
which are eligible only in the regions financed by
the Digital Convergence OP.
Each proposal must be sited in only one geo-
graphical region. Matching investments to specif-
ic geographical regions is necessary for deter-
mining both aid intensities, and available budgets.
For example, the proposed region may be that of
the registered seat, or a branch, or a new facility,
of the business that submits the proposal. A main
prerequisite is that all the expenses that can be
allocated to the site are exclusively related to the
specific geographical area of the investment.
Eligible entities include existing and start-up pri-
vate businesses or partnerships, regardless of
legal form or size.
Trade with Greece
The investments can
be realized in all parts
of the Greek territory,
with the exception of
investments falling
under Category II
Large Investment
Plans, which are eligi-
ble only in the regions
financed by the Digital
Convergence OP.