“Piraeus Development - Working Capital” and
“Piraeus Development – Premises and
Equipment” programmes, as well as the
issuance of Letter of Guarantee with 20% dis-
count on fees.
A significant part of this module is the free of
any charges “Integrated Framework Support”
service to customers that have joined sub-
sidised NSRF 2014 – 2020 programmes, which
o Monitoring the compatibility and consis-
tency of expenditure with the technical
annexes of the approved business plans;
o Confirming the eligibility and proper pay-
ment of the invoices, according to the
approved terms and conditions of each
o Informing customers on any incompatibili-
ties regarding the approval they have
received or/and any amendment thereof.
Managing my business
As part of this module, the Bank provides
businesses with financial management
services on all stages of the invest-
ment, with the aim of ensuring
optimum cash flow control.
In this context, the Bank
offers a flexible cur-
rent account for
carrying out
investment through the deposit of the
grant, the own contribution, and the
bank lending thereto.
Moreover, the business enjoys a 50% dis-
count on incoming and outgoing remit-
tances, free check book issuance, and a
50% discount on bank draft issuance
Finally, businesses also enjoy access to
the awarded WinBank e-banking services,
as well as the use of POS terminal card
acceptance, with personalised pricing.
Securing my business
Piraeus Bank, as an Insurance
Intermediary of leading insurance compa-
nies, offers business state-of-the-art
insurance programmes, in order to secure
their investment plans in the best possi-
ble way.
Strengthening my business
Provision of consulting services, training
programmes, and assistance in the prepa-
rations for obtaining certifications,
through the Center of Sustainable
Entrepreneurship “Excelixi S.A.”, a sub-
sidiary of Piraeus Bank.
Making my Business more Competitive
As part of this module, the Bank offers all
entrepreneurs the opportunity to pro-
mote their business by becoming partners
of Yellowday, the innovative on-line deal
platform of Piraeus Bank Group.
All the above comprise a complete pack-
age of products and services, which
is mainly aimed at supporting
small and medium-sized enter-
prises and professionals
and, by extension, the
Greek economy.