Trade with Greece 2017 - page 31

with innovation and technology and adapted to
the European and international frameworks.
• Implementation of a national strategic plan for
the productive reconstruction of the economy,
towards an outward-oriented growth model,
with emphasis in the areas of internationally
tradable goods.
All the aforementioned priorities are the key pre-
conditions that could lay the foundations for the
country’s return to sustainable growth, generating
jobs and increasing prosperity.
Trade with Greece
mining aggressive medium-term parametric
measures, taking into account both the stock
and the flow of debt.
• Improvement of the social safety net and social
cohesion with well-targeted, modern and com-
prehensive welfare-enhancing interventions.
• Investment in education and human capital by
fostering an open, outward-oriented and quality-
focused education system, by implementing
training and life-long learning policies and by
initiating a national research system, paired
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