Trade with Greece 2017 - page 21

ports of Northern Greece look set to attract
increased commercial traffic and achieve the crit-
ical mass necessary to support sizeable maritime
and port clusters.
In anticipation of the increase in maritime traffic,
which in turn will raise demand for ship repairs,
Greece is actively seeking to attract investment in
the country’s shipyards. With respect to the cruise
sector, the Ministry is focusing on developing
home porting, aiming to take advantage of the
huge potential of the Eastern Mediterranean as a
prime tourist destination of recreational, historical
and religious interest.
After seven years of economic hardship, the
Greek recovery –already long overdue– is bound
to be impressive. It will be led by dynamic sectors,
among them the maritime industry, which offer
attractive investment opportunities in areas such
as port development. Aside from being a strategic
location from which to operate, Greece remains a
pillar of stability in a volatile region, enjoying a
level of internal security that ranks amongst the
highest in the EU. In addition, it offers the advan-
tages of a highly educated workforce, a pleasant
climate, and an enviable quality of life for tourists
and investors alike.
Trade with Greece
and environmental standards. The fact that
Greece itself is not a competing trade power
ensures the impartiality and reliability of Greek
shipping as a cross-trader in various market seg-
ments across the globe.
A gateway for sea trade between
Europe and Asia
Greece today acts as a major transport hub in the
Eastern Mediterranean, owing to its unique loca-
tion at the intersection of shipping lines connect-
ing Europe, Asia and Africa. The flagship invest-
ment programme of the China Ocean Shipping
Group in the port of Piraeus has been a resound-
ing success, bearing testament to the importance
of Greece as a gateway to EU markets and
Trans-European Networks.
The strategic location of Greece has been further
elevated following the recent inauguration of the
New Suez Canal, allowing for a twofold increase
in maritime traffic from the Indian Ocean to the
Mediterranean. At the same time, road and rail
links across Northern Greece and into the Balkan
hinterland towards Central and Eastern Europe
are being upgraded, making Greek ports stand
out as the first call of choice for sea cargos enter-
ing the EU. Following the lead of Piraeus, the
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