Trade with Greece 2017 - page 25

tional) –the first such project in Greece, which
was also named “Deal of the Year” by the World
Finance magazine– as well as the electronic tick-
eting system for the urban transportation network
of Attica, which, apart from providing citizens with
improved services, will also become a key
weapon against free-riding, a major cause of rev-
enue loss. At the same time, many PPP projects
have already been launched this year, such as
Waste Management units (the total value of PPP
projects about to be signed in this field stands at
270 million euros), state-of-the-art school build-
ings, broadband networks etc., while discussions
are underway for the conclusion of new PPP
deals. In order to encourage PPP projects, in
2017 we will further simplify and standardise the
relevant legal framework, in order to speed up
procedures and further improve the performance
of the service.
According to all official forecasts, the Greek econ-
omy is expected to enter a stage of strong growth
in 2017. The Ministry of Economy and
Development will assist the relevant efforts, deci-
sively contributing to the change of productive
model and, in general, of culture, by using all the
means available for the reconstruction of Greece’s
Trade with Greece
the investments will be deployed.
Moreover, aiming at the structural reformation of
the Greek economy through the severance of its
links with the pre-existing failed model of over-
consumption, it is
inter alia
necessary, as already
mentioned, to promote exports, in order to
increase their share in GDP. We are already pro-
moting the reorganisation of Enterprise Greece,
one of the agencies our Ministry supervises,
which, in the context of enhancing Greece’s
extroversion, is responsible for attracting, facilitat-
ing, and accelerating investments in the country,
as well as boosting export activity.
As part of our responsibilities, in 2017 we intend
to place great emphasis on encouraging and real-
ising projects through Public-Private Partnership
(PPP) contracts. This is a very important develop-
ment tool, which introduces a fundamentally differ-
ent philosophy regarding the realisation of public
works, reducing costs and preventing budget and
timetable overruns, while the participation of the
private sector, apart from offering leverage, also
ensures the necessary expertise and, by exten-
sion, the high quality of the projects. In 2017, many
new PPP projects will be launched, such as the
Integrated Solid Waste Management System of
Western Macedonia (it is already partially func-
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