Trade with Greece 2017 - page 17

tic industry, to increase our participation in the
European Defence and Technological Industrial
Base, to reinforce its competitiveness and sup-
port its exports, contributing to the growth of the
national economy.
• The fight against corruption. For that purpose,
a special internal audit unit was formed in
• The creation of an operating framework for our
permanent and conscript staff, based on merit
and justice, through legislative measures and
administrative reorganisation.
• The constant support of citizens, 24 hours a
day, with dedication, courage and patriotism.
The economic crisis that affects our country
requires the continuation of the important
social work of the military forces, and to this
end the relevant expenditure for 2016 amount-
ed to tens of millions.
Trade with Greece
Eastern Mediterranean, as well as all regions
of geopolitical interest for Greece.
• The active participation of our country, as a tra-
ditional naval force, in the international initia-
tives that are being undertaken, mainly
through NATO and the EU, to ensure the free-
dom of navigation and the maritime trade.
• The rationalisation of finances, with the aim of
correcting distortions and overcoming chronic
problems. The current financial situation
requires reforms and modernisation on all levels
and in all sectors, by implementing economies of
scale, recycling obsolete hardware, and optimally
using resources such as the properties/assets of
the armed forces. The current financial situation
should not be allowed to weaken our operational
readiness and capability.
• The establishment of an integrated framework
for the sustainable development of the domes-
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