nd this return actually occurred in 2016,
surpassing all forecasts for the previous
year, whereas for this year, everybody
expects that the Greek economy will, for the first
time after many years of recession, show remark-
ably high growth rates, the highest in the euro
This indisputable truth compels us to seriously
plan for the future of the country, the future of the
Greek economy. It compels us not to leave this
future to chance. Because the future is already
Public attention may still be focused on the nego-
tiations between the technical teams, and on the
well-known and usual difficulties, the usual
obstructions and delays imposed each time by
our friends; however, it is now clear that, no matter
how much they wish to stall the negotiations on the
technical level, there is no turning back.
Greece has turned a page because, regardless of
whether some like it or not, the economy endured,
the economy recovered.
And everyone now understands that what is real-
ly at stake for the future of the economy and the
country, has nothing to do with the meetings of
the technical teams, but has everything to do with
the real economy.
On the technical level, there are some, especially
those bearing the heavy responsibility for the dis-
astrous prescriptions that have been forced on
the economy since 2010, who remain unrepen-
Trade with Greece
After seven years of almost catastrophic
recession, Greece has returned to positive
growth rates.
A growth plan
for the recovery
of the real economy
By Alexis Tsipras,
Prime Minister of Greece