he primary purpose of the Greek state
over the recent years has been the pro-
motion of measures favouring the realisa-
tion of foreign investments in our country. To this
end, we have created the conditions for providing
the, so-called in economic literature, “high-quality
institutions and social infrastructure” required to
ensure a stable investment climate. Our efforts
aimed at the creation of a new simpler entrepre-
neurship framework, the reduction of bureaucracy,
the modernisation of state infrastructure, the
establishment of a stable and fair fiscal policy,
and the sustainability of the long-standing high
level of education and technical expertise of our
The cornerstone of investment attraction is stabil-
ity. Therefore the primary goal in order to maintain
a high quality investment climate is to ensure the
stability of major institutions within the country.
The role of the Ministry of National Defence in
maintaining the country’s stability is imperative,
and extends to the following strategic priorities:
• The promotion of a dynamic and, at the same
time, balanced defence policy, in order to
emphasise the comparative geopolitical
advantages of Greece and create strategic
synergies with key countries in the regional
geopolitical system.
• The preservation and promotion of peace and
stability in South-eastern Europe and the
Trade with Greece
Greece is a country that traditionally fulfils the
essential conditions required for attracting
investment. This is reinforced by the fact that
Greece is located at an important geostrategic
position, which provides easy access to
European, Middle Eastern and African markets
along with the benefits gained by its participation
in the stable economic environment of the
European Union and the European Monetary
The cornerstone of
investment attraction
is stability
By Panos Kammenos, President of the Independent
Hellenes party, Minister of National Defence