Trade with Greece
a 1.200 m
office building in a central district of
Athens, capable of concurrently hosting up to
50 start-ups/ business groups at any time.
Office spaces are fully equipped with the nec-
essary office equipment, communications
infrastructure, and conference and meeting
rooms, accompanied by administrative support
services, thus providing a modern & fully func-
tional working environment for start-ups.
2. Mentoring & Advice: THEA keeps a registry of
highly experienced mentors & counsellors,
offering insight and assistance in diverse
domains such as market analysis, legal and IP
advice and management, taxation-accounting
issues, business plan development, advice on
creating a company, human resources man-
agement etc.
3. Education & Training: THEA hosts training ses-
sions on a wide array of topics, (such as team-
work, strategy and decision-making, formation
of business models, strategies, and operating
models, leadership & leadership skills, emo-
tional intelligence, personnel incentive & evalu-
ation systems), as well as targeted workshops
and info-days, featuring prominent speakers.
4. Networking: THEA focuses heavily on increas-
ing the networking capabilities of hosted
teams, in particular through:
• Promotion of cooperation among the entre-
preneurial teams, and development of com-
mon business interests and goals.
• Facilitation of participation in domestic and
international exhibitions/conferences.
• Access to the ACCI network, which is con-
sidered to be one of the largest business
networks worldwide, with 10.500 Chambers
and Business Unions around the globe.
• Facilitation of access to the Alliance of
European Metropolitan Chambers of
Commerce and Industry (of which ACCI is a
founding member) and the ACCI Business
Angels network.
5. Seal of Approval: As an incubated company in
a prestigious institution like the Athens
Chamber of Commerce and Industry, when the
time comes to go out and look for partners,
clients or funding, start-ups can present some
credentials, since they have gone through a
selection process and were capable enough to
enter the incubator.
Apart from the above, THEA works hard to assist
hosted teams in gaining access to grants, angel
capital or venture capital funds, in particular through:
• Technical Support in equity/ project financing
• Assistance with applications on calls for
national and European funding programmes.
To arrange a meeting or for further information
please contact:
Tel: +30 2111036900-01
Fax: +30 2111036902
The Athens Start-up Business Incubator –
“THEA” is funded by the Athens Chamber of
Commerce and Industry, with the support of the
Regional Development Fund of Attica.