Trade with Greece 2017 - page 42

Trade with Greece
present EBAN, the European Business Angel
Network of which it is a member, with a pro-
posal for organising an international roadshow
for the presentation of all business proposals
submitted to the Network.
In order to realise its goals, ACCI-BANK has cre-
ated its own website at:
This is an e-platform that provides continuous
information and analytical updates on this institu-
tion. It invites enterprises and individuals to utilise
BAs, and consider how the Network can help
them realise their targets, also offering applied
training to those who submit their business ideas,
in order to get them acquainted, if they wish so,
with key elements of business planning, and, in
general, entrepreneurship. The benefits for
Business Angels include, among others, exclu-
sive participation to the events for the presenta-
tion of new business ideas; the exclusive use of
the ACCI-BAN electronic platform only for BAs,
with access to all investment proposals; private
message boards where members can discuss
investment issues; and joint participation in
investments, with the aim of sharing risks.
Of equal importance is the evaluation and prepa-
ration of investment proposals. More specifically,
the site provides information about the treatment
of proposals that seek financing, as well as guid-
ance on the contents of the application and the
brief structure of the business plan. Upon com-
pletion of the business plan, the ACCI-BAN team,
together with the entrepreneur, prepare the pres-
entation of his or her business idea at a special
event, exclusively attended by Business Angels.
In the three years of the Network's operation, the
ACCI-BAN electronic platform has received more
than 30 business plans, while many events have
already been organised for the presentation of new
and innovative ideas, as well as existing firms in
need of investors. Moreover, the network numbers
more than 25 Business Angels-members, who reg-
ularly convene in order to discuss key issues and
proposals that contribute to the growth of the net-
work, as well as its promotion and interconnection
with society and the market at large. Its regular
activities include, among others, the attraction of
more new and/or innovative investment proposals,
and the expansion of its membership.
THEA, the Athens Start-up Business Incubator
has been in operation by the Athens Chamber of
Commerce and Industry (ACCI) since July 2014.
Through THEA, ACCI aims at helping new entre-
preneurs transform their innovative business
ideas into tangible products and services.
THEA incubator has been designed to concur-
rently host up to 50 start-ups at any time.
o Groups of individuals (entrepreneurs, scien-
tists, etc.)
o Spin-offs
o Newly established enterprises, set up within
less than 12 months before entering THEA
Hosted entities may come from any sector of the
economy, while priority is given to sectors with a
high growth & extroversion potential, such as
agro-industry, organic food production, energy
management and materials, environmental tech-
nologies and waste management, information
and communication technologies, creative indus-
tries, as well as blue growth activities.
THEA provides supported entities with the fol-
1. Hosting Facilities & Services: THEA manages
Athens Business
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