Trade with Greece 2015 - page 90

Australia by 8.3% (from €121.3 million to €131.4
million), which overcompensated for the 2.2%
decrease in exports to Japan (from €45.7 million
to €44.7 million) and the 22.3% decrease in
exports to New Zealand (from €16.2 million to
€12.6 million).
The 1.8% increase (to €3,367 million from €3,112
million) in exports to “other OECD countries” is
due to the sustained growth (2.2% as compared
to 2013) of exports to Turkey (to €3,277.4 million
from €3,207.9 million). In contrast, there were
decreases in the exports to Switzerland (by 3.4%,
to €111 million from €115.6 million) and Norway (by
14.4%, from €38 million to €44.4 million), while
exports to Iceland continue to have a very limited
impact, as they amount to a mere €1.9 million.
The marginal 0.8% drop of exports to the Balkans
(from €3,625.5 million to €3,654 million), which
account for 13.5% of total Greek exports, resulted
from the variability of exports to the top four buy-
ers of Greek products in the region. More specifi-
cally, exports to Bulgaria fell by 4.1% (from
Trade with Greece
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