Trade with Greece 2015 - page 95

Trade with Greece
resources through the Attica Regional Operational
Programme 2007-2013 of the NSRF.
In brief, THEA provides hosted businesses with the
following services:
1. Hosting of entrepreneurial teams, including the
provision of secretarial and administrative sup-
2. Networking activities designed to support
entrepreneurial teams
3. Assistance in seeking investors
4. Identifying the startup companies’ needs
5. Advice on entrepreneurship-related issues and
the development of entrepreneurial skills:
Business & marketing plan issues, legal
issues, the procedure for starting a new busi-
ness, business organization and operation
issues, HR management issues, development
of collaborations on the national and interna-
tional level, intellectual property rights issues
(a total of 360 hours per startup company)
6. Use of the ACCI network — the largest entre-
preneurship network in the world (Chambers of
Commerce and Industry and Associations all
over the world — Club of European Metropolitan
Chambers of Commerce and Industry —
ACCI Business Angel network)
s the representatives of the business
community, we aim at supporting the cre-
ation of new innovative enterprises, also
helping reinforce the links between the market
and the country’s human resources; on one hand,
because supporting innovative entrepreneurship
is a main prerequisite for enhancing growth and
employment in Greece. On the other hand,
because it is high time Athens were revived,
becoming once again a place of growth and
opportunities. And this aim can only be realized
by joining forces, by mobilizing and encouraging
private enterprise, by utilizing the knowledge and
talent of young people.
The Incubator’s opening ceremony was held on
July 16, 2014 and the submission of applications
for entering THEA was completed on November
30th. Overall, 143 business ideas were submit-
ted, concerning 50 business ventures. Thirty four
startup companies are currently being hosted in
THEA, until 31.12.2015.
The project is realized by the Athens Chamber of
Commerce and Industry in the context of the activ-
ities of the Entrepreneurship Network of the
Municipality of Athens, a part of “The Athens
Project”, which is co-funded by national and EU
Athens Startup
Business Incubator
The “Athens Startup Business Incubator” (THEA) project is one
of the most important initiatives undertaken by the ACCI,
and aims at promoting the socioeconomic reconstruction of
the metropolitan City of Athens.
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