Trade with Greece 2015 - page 104

sidered by both its interlocutors.
Finally, the Minister of Productive Reconstruction
met with BP’s regional President for Turkey-
Azerbaijan-Georgia, Gordon Birrell; BP is the
main supplier of the pipeline from the Shah Deniz
reserve and a majority shareholder in both the
TANAP and the TAP. Mr. Lafazanis presented Mr.
Birrell with the Greek side’s request for offsetting
benefits from the TAP project. Mr. Birrell said that
he is open to proposals for offsetting benefits for
Greece and stressed that he is ready to discuss
the relevant Greek proposals.
Moreover, in a speech at the EU Energy Council,
the Minister of Productive Reconstruction,
Environment & Energy announced the govern-
ment’s intention to promote the energy intercon-
nection of the Aegean islands, as well as the
energy interconnection between Cyprus-Crete-
mainland Greece. He also requested increased
funds. In his speech, Mr. Lafazanis said: “Highly
advanced energy interconnections with grids,
pipelines and transport routes can enhance col-
laboration and mutual economic growth between
countries and peoples, and contribute to the
security and efficiency of energy supply through
better terms and lower costs.
“But these energy interconnections should not
emerge as the outcome of hegemonic pressures
and coercion, nor should they hide dependencies;
instead they should be developed on an equitable
basis and on the basis of mutual benefit.
“Greece, through our government, wishes to
develop multidimensional and multifaceted ener-
gy interconnections and international energy rela-
tions, which will expand, without obsessions and
obstacles, to many different directions.
“Europe will reap huge gains if it does not place
any obstacles and if it helps Greece towards this
“Greece, a country full of islands, at the European
periphery and, in particular, a neuralgic geopoliti-
cal area that borders with various hot zones, is, in
comparison to other countries, in much greater
need of European support in the field of energy
Trade with Greece
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