the greatest increase, rising by 27% to 1.46 mil-
lion. Moreover, arrivals from the UK increased by
13.2% to more than 2 million, while arrivals from
Germany increased by 8.5%, reaching a spectac-
ular 2.46 million.
According to Bank of Greece data, the country’s
tourist revenues increased by 10.6% to €13.44
ndeed, foreign tourist arrivals are estimated
at approximately 22 million, to which another
(estimated) 2 million cruise visitors are
added, bringing the total to 24 million. It is worth
noting that, in the previous year, total foreign
tourist arrivals stood at 20.1 million. Among major
tourist markets, arrivals from France registered
Trade with Greece
The year 2014 can undoubtedly be described as a
landmark for Greek tourism, since foreign visitors,
as well as tourist revenues reached their highest levels
By Leonidas Tsaoulas
Greek Tourism:
the outstanding
year 2014