Trade with Greece 2015 - page 92

In contrast, the largest decrease in the volume of
exports concerns Libya, which in 2013 was the
main destination of Greek exports in the wider
region with €745.8 million, but in 2014 exports fell
to €272.1 million, reduced by 70%. There has
also been a major contraction of exports to Israel
(-48.5%, to €203.6 million from €395.4 million),
Algeria (-20%, to €282.1 million from €352.5 mil-
lion), and Morocco (-71%, to €54.8 million from
€190.3 million).
In regard to the other countries of North Africa &
the Middle East, it is worth highlighting the reduc-
tion of exports to the United Arab Emirates (to
€359.1 million from €375.1 million, or down by
4.3%), the more-than-doubling of exports to Qatar
(to €54.9 million from €24.2 million) and the
growth of exports to Iraq (to €37.1 million from
€24 million).
As far as the low-value exports to African coun-
tries are concerned, their increase by 19.9% (to
€156.38 million from €130.8 million) resulted from
the growth of exports to the three main buyers of
Greek products in the region under review, name-
ly Nigeria (up by 23.6%, from €60.7 million to €75
million), the Republic of South Africa (up by 10%,
from €40.1 million to €44 million), and Ghana (up
by 35%, from €11.7 million to €15.8 million).
The substantial (34.1%) growth of exports to SE
Asia (from €584.5 million to €783.8 million) is the
result of major increases in the exports to Singapore,
the main buyer of Greek products in the region (from
€210.5 million to €264.4 million, or 25.6%), as well as
Trade with Greece
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