Trade with Greece 2015 - page 84

Attica and the prefecture of Thessaloniki, where
the cadastral survey process is already underway
under the previous contracts. The surveys were
budgeted at €527 million. Six of the surveys have
already been awarded.
According to reports, though, 22 out of the 28 ten-
ders will be cancelled and immediately re-ten-
dered, at prices reduced by 12%.
The 28 surveys that were tendered in regard to
the surveying of 28 Greek prefectures, at a total
budget of €527 million, concern 16 million proper-
ty rights, i.e. the remaining 42% of total rights,
covering almost 65% of Greek territory.
The benefits of the National
The National Cadastre introduces innovations
that turn it into a truly fundamental project for
Greece, which produces significant benefits for
the citizens, the national economy and the pro-
tection of environment, since it:
● Proceeds to the definite and incontestable reg-
istration and consolidation of the citizens’ real
● Reduces bureaucracy and makes real estate
property transfer procedures simpler and
● Reinforces transparency and security in proper-
ty transfers;
● Upgrades the real estate property market and
raises property values, making it possible to
attract significant investments;
● Irrevocably demarcates and ensures state and
municipal property;
● Protects the environment more effectively. The
irrevocable demarcation of forests and coastal
zones will constitute a major weapon against
encroachment and lawlessness;
● Is a pivotal tool for the rational organization and
development of the country.
The National Cadastre:
Records all deeds that establish, transfer,
change or abolish rights on properties on a real
Trade with Greece
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