The Ministry for the Environment expects to find a
solution to the problem of funding cuts, estimating
that there is a reserve, which can cover more than
50% of the remaining project.
It should be noted that there are two more
sources of financing that have not been activated
he financing required for the continuation
and completion of the project within the
deadlines is uncertain, while the tender
concerning the largest part of the 28 surveys
remaining for the completion of the programme
will undergo a revision.
Trade with Greece
Despite any difficulties, the government will go ahead
with the National Cadastre, and there is well-grounded
hope that any problems will be dealt with,
the necessary funding will be found, and the project
will go ahead as planned. After all, one can’t help
noticing the great work that has already been done,
although there is still a long way to go.
By Panayotis Efthimiades
The National Cadastre:
A fundamental project
for Greece