Trade with Greece 2017 - page 110

CEO of the Electricity Market Operator (LAGIE),
Mihalis Filippou and the CEO of Hellenic
Exchanges Group Socratis Lazaridis.
The Minister stressed that the Energy Exchange
is considered to be a necessary condition for the
restructuring of the wholesale electricity market,
in view of the Target Model and the implementa-
tion of the European Price Coupling project. In
fact, LAGIE and the Hellenic Exchanges Group
signed a Memorandum of Understanding.
Following the enactment of Law 4425/2016, the
Greek authorities, in cooperation with the
European Commission, have prepared a compre-
hensive plan for the country’s transition to the
Target Model, as part of the technical assistance
Greece is entitled to. The implementation of the
reforms will be carried out by the Commission’s
Joint Research Centre (JRC). The first meeting
Ministry of Environment and Energy estimates
that it will continue to decrease. The Ministry also
estimates that both the targets set for 2017 and
2018 will be achieved.
The government points out that as competition
intensifies, electricity prices are falling.
The government claims that under the new situa-
tion PPC will continue to be a robust and viable
enterprise, and one of the major players in a very
competitive and environment- and consumer-
friendly electricity market.
During the transition of the electricity market to
the Target Model, the government will also launch
the operation of the Energy Exchange.
The objectives of, and the steps for, the creation
of an Energy Exchange in Greece were present-
ed in February, at a joint Press Conference, by
Mr. Stathakis, accompanied by the chairman and
Trade with Greece
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