60%, as well as on the construction of the
Psathopyrgos-Patras section of the same line,
which is budgeted at 112 million euros.
We are also waiting for the inclusion of two addi-
tional projects, budgeted at 104 million euros: the
section from the Athens railway station to Treis
Gefyres, with a budget of 92 million euros, and
the construction of the deviation at the
Polykastro-Idomeni section of the Thessaloniki-
Idomeni line, with a budget of 12 million euros.
The launching of the tendering process for new
Line 4 of the Athens Metro is expected in 2017.
This process is still underway.
It should also be stressed that the tendering of the
new line will be carried out in accordance with the
new law on public works. The project concerns
the first central section of Line 4, and more specif-
ically the Alsos Veikou-Goudi section.
In terms of financing, the project will be tendered
as a typical public works project; more specifical-
ly, 400 million euros of NSRF funds have already
been earmarked for the project, while the remain-
ing 1 billion euros will be covered by the EIB,
which seems willing to cover up to 75% of the
total cost.
According to the Metro Development Study
(1995-1999), the approved Athens Metro
Development Plan provided for the construction
of two new extensions, which would, in essence,
be branches of the existing lines, i.e. Line 2
(Panepistimio-Exarhia-Alexandras Ave-Dikastiria-
Kypseli-Galatsi-Alsos Veikou) and Line 3
(Panormou - Faros - Sidera - OAKA -Paradissos-
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