Trade with Greece
Association of Northern Greece (SEVE) and the
Exporters’ Association of Crete (SEK), as well as
the productive Chambers, the Hellenic Federation
of Enterprises (SEV), the ACCI, the Federation of
Attica & Piraeus Industries (SVAP), the
Federation of Industries of Northern Greece
(FING), the Hellenic Bank Association, the
Association of Greek Ship-owners, along with
bilateral Chambers and collaborating agencies
and organizations, such as HEPO and “Invest in
“We achieved an average export increase of
7.5% during a crucial year for the national econo-
my; I feel that this is, first of all, a reason to rejoice
and, secondly, to see that we can believe in this
effort. It is important that in some countries, such
as the UK, we have achieved a 37% increase;
however, there are also drawbacks, such as the
fact that in absolute terms, which refer to millions
of Euros, we can see that there are four countries
were we incurred substantial losses. These are
the United States, Italy, Switzerland and the
Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. In each
case there are many different reasons, which we
must evaluate, and I think that this is one of the
tasks we must methodically perform this year”,
said Mr. Kouvelis.
The year 2010 is, in general, considered to be a
good one, a year that marks a shift towards extro-
version, a year when, despite fiscal troubles, the
export sector registered substantial growth. Not
only in regard to fundamentals, but also in regard