patches for the twelve-months January 2010-
December 2010 rose by 8.3% year-on-year,
reaching €15,904.2 million.
In the same period, the trade deficit shrank to
€22,449.1 million, simultaneously affected by the
aforementioned increase in exports and the dra-
matic fall of imports by €10,237.9 million (from
€48,591.2 million to €38,353.3 million), i.e. by
20.9%, obviously as a direct consequence of the
Trade with Greece
he data on Greece’s trade balance for the
2010 (with the reminder that
December data are in part provisional)
that were made available in early February by the
Hellenic Statistical Authority (ELSTAT) confirmed,
more or less, the trends that had started becom-
ing evident in the previous months. In fact, regis-
tering a spectacular 21.6% increase in the last
month of the year, the total value of exports-dis-
A promising new
start for exports
By Leonidas Tsaoulas