Trade with Greece - 2011 - page 75

Trade with Greece
Persian Gulf — United Arab
Emirates, Qatar, Kuwait;
we preserved and rekin-
dled relations with
Russia, Azerbaijan,
Turkey and China.
The official visit to the
United States, is
considered to be
because of its crucial
timing, “in a period
when the US were just
entering a recovery phase,
as well as a period when
Greece had to demonstrate its pres-
ence and upgrade, if possible, its role as a trad-
ing partner”, according to the Deputy Minister’s
Finally, there are some remote destinations that
may, in the future, prove suitable for
investments, such as Korea and
emphasis was placed
on regional initiatives,
e.g. the development
of Greece’s activities
in the Black Sea on
the occasion of the
Greek chairmanship of
the Organization of the
Black Sea Economic
Cooperation (BSEC), as
well as cooperation with the
Italians and Slovenians in regard to
the Adriatic-Ionian Initiative.
A factor of utmost importance is the existence of
channels for communicating with exporting
organizations, and mainly the three national
exporting agencies, the PEA, the Exporters’
said, the
total value of
exports in November 2010
amounted to
1,603.4 million
($2,197.0 million) as compared to
1,162.8 million (
1,739.4 million)
in the same month of 2009,
increased by 37.9%.
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