Trade with Greece
forming Greece’s national policy and following up
its implementation and results.
establishment of an Extroversion Fund
named Go2Market, in the first quarter of 2011,
under the ETEAN umbrella. The Fund will be
financed by public resourses of approximately
€70 million, which will be utilized for leveraging
much larger funds from the market.
creation of smart financial products
designed to cover the businesses’ short-term liq-
uidity needs, such as the pre-financing of exports
and the refund of VAT on exports. The guide for
the program for the businesses' extroversion and
competitiveness has already been published,
including NSRF funds that amount to €30 million
and will be directly granted to businesses for pro-
motional activities, certification, intangible support,
IT expenses, etc. without any banking intervention.
Export Credit Insurance Organization
(ECIO) is reorganized in order to provide informa-
tion and operate in a flexible manner, also cover-
ing indirect investments.
7. HEPO will be restructured
on the basis of the
Dutch EVD agency, one of the best agencies of this
type worldwide. It will focus on three functions:
i. Expositions
ii. Reliable electronic informatio
n and analysis
of new markets, in regard to critical opportunity
sectors per countries, featuring match-making
and permanent electronic exposition organization
iii. Provision of information
, know-how and lim-
ited financial assistance to small enterprises that
offer quality products, with the aim of helping
them become export-oriented (on the model of
the Dutch Prepare2start).
8. The creation of a network
for the provision of
information and the transfer of know-how from
large and experienced enterprises to small, non-
competitive firms.
9. The systematic monitoring
, by means of sta-
tistical data, of all initiatives, in order to set policy
priorities in cooperation with the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs.