Some people may think that hosting such a great
sportive event will impose a disproportionate bur-
den on the Greek economy.
However, the truth is quite different. Special
Olympics will be a shot in the arm of the Greek
According to the President of the Organizing
Committee of the Special Olympics World Summer
Games, Gianna Despotopoulou, this will be the first
ever athletic or social event to be held in Greece
with a balanced budget. The Athens 2011 World
Summer Games have drawn only 35% of their
budget from state funds, while the remaining 65%
has been secured from sponsors and supporters,
an unparalleled achievement in Greek history.
As pointed out by Ms. Despotopoulou, the
Organizing Committee had, in any case, drasti-
cally reduced its budget ―which fell to
€73,000,000― long before the economic crisis
broke out, albeit without affecting or compromis-
ing the quality of the games.
The members of the organizing committee may,
indeed, pride themselves for managing to secure
sponsorships during such a tough period, some-
thing that no other agency has managed to do
since 2008.
The assistance of the State and the European
Union and, of course, the sensitivity of our fellow
citizens brought wondrous results, stresses Ms.
Thus, Athens and Greece are waiting to reap their
own benefits, since more than 40,000 viewers,
relatives and friends of the athletes, are expect-
ed, making multiple stays in the hotels of the cap-
ital and other cities and reviving stores, restau-
rants and recreation areas. Moreover, the visitors-
viewers will include heads of state, as well as peo-
ple from sports, politics and entertainment.
Before the commencement of the games, and as
part of the “Host Town” program, the children and
their families will be hosted
for 5 days in 60 towns and
islands, with great benefits
for the local communities.
The hoteliers’ help was
instrumental for implement-
ing this program, as they
offered full board accom-
modation for a total of
40,000 overnight stays.
The most important
thing, though, is that
these games will help
Greece send the mes-
sage that financial
problems cannot oust
humanity, respect and
And Greece will be one
of the great winners.
The Ceremony for the
Lighting of the “Flame of Hope” will be
Trade with Greece