Trade with Greece
(500+384). The difference from the previous
pension is 216 euros. According to the new
legislation this amount does not represent a
pension, but will continue to be paid to the
same pensioner as a “personal difference”
between their new and previous pensions.
Under the new package of reforms put on the
negotiation table by Greece’s lenders, it is very
likely that a part of the personal difference may
be abolished, in order to improve the social
security system’s negative balance.
6. Supplementary pensions are also cut back.
In order to reduce the deficits of the supple-
mentary pension funds, which exceed 450 mil-
lion euros per year, the law provides for cuts in
all supplementary pensions that, when added
to primary pensions, sum up to more than
1,300 euros per month. For example, the
reduction is applied when the pensioner
receives a supplementary pension of 250
euros and a primary pension of 1,100 euros,
since their sum exceeds 1,350 euros.