Trade with Greece 2017 - page 84

Trade with Greece
made an enormous effort to build concrete,
shared solutions, both inside and outside Europe.
We have come a long way, but I am well aware
that important challenges remain. The
Commission stands ready to support all other
member states in these efforts.
“Europe will only be able to address the migrato-
ry challenges successfully –both those in the
short term as well as in the long term–, if we work
together, and in solidarity. What happens in Syria
is felt not just in Turkey, but also in Greece,
Germany and Sweden. No country can deal with
the refugee crisis alone.
“This means that we must offer protection to
those in need, we must better integrate those who
have a right to stay here, and we must equally
return those who have no right to stay here.
Moreover, we must fight smugglers and those
who facilitate irregular migration, while continuing
to address the root causes of this problem.
“In the span of two years, we have evolved from
a scattered and uncoordinated approach on
migration to a European and comprehensive
response. Since 2015, more than 400,000 people
have been saved in the Mediterranean and the
Aegean seas.
“Inside the EU, we are now reforming our com-
mon asylum system, to make it more humane, fair
and efficient; a system that is generous to those
in need and strict towards potential abuses. We
have proposed simpler, clearer and shorter pro-
cedures, which also strengthen and guarantee
individual rights. Solidarity among the member
states lies at the very heart of this.
“Today, the frontline member states are Italy and
Greece. To relieve the pressure there, we have
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