Trade with Greece 2015 - page 61

preventing and addressing radicalisation. The
Radicalization Awareness Network (RAN) is
already very active in this field and its future
Centre of Excellence will reinforce the effective-
ness of the overall effort.
Moreover, online terrorist propaganda has to be
dealt with. Member states must play a major role
in this effort. The Commission will continue to
cooperate with the Internet industry and to deep-
en the dialogue in order to develop concrete
workable solutions.
2. Information sharing
The Commission has approved new measures for
increasing the efficiency of the Schengen
Information System (SIS). It must be ensured that
Europol receives all necessary information from
all Member States. Moreover, the flow of informa-
tion between Member States and EU agencies
must be improved.
3. Travel routes of terrorists
The movements of terrorists must be anticipated
and prevented. An EU Passenger Name Record
directive (EU PNR) is necessary to enhance sub-
stantially the security of all European citizens.
“Let me underline,” said Mr. Avramopoulos, “my
willingness to work together with the European
Parliament and the Council – headed by the
Latvian Presidency now – to formulate a legal
instrument that is effective and respects funda-
mental rights.” He also said that the Commission
is currently “developing common risk indicators
and criteria for entering relevant alerts in the
Schengen Information System (SIS).”
4. Firearms
There is legislation in place on the illicit manufac-
turing and trafficking of firearms. The implemen-
tation of this legislation is currently under review
and the Commission will submit to the European
Parliament and the Council a report on the situa-
tion and whether any further legislative action is
Trade with Greece
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