Trade with Greece
Road Map for Asylum
Interviewed for “Trade with Greece”, Mr. Avramopoulos points out that the EU
must urgently take initiative for establishing a common asylum system, stress-
ing the fact that 3,000 people were drowned only last year, while trying to enter
the EU by sea. “EU Member States need to understand that refugees are not a
burden,” he says, pointing out that Europe must address their needs and prob-
As the Greek Commissioner said:
Migration today is part and parcel of our societies. It is an inherent feature of our glob-
alised world. It brings richness and opportunities, but it also comes with challenges.
Political and economic instability in many regions of the world generates a constant
influx of persons towards Europe and this will not go away. These people are look-
ing towards Europe to protect them.
Smuggling is dangerous and exposes people to unsafe and inhumane travelling con-
ditions. Last year, 3.000 persons are estimated to have lost their lives attempting to
reach Europe by crossing the sea. During their journey to Europe, many fell into the
hands of traffickers and were victims of violence including sexual abuse. Migrants
pay a fortune to ruthless smugglers for a passage to Europe.
To protect people from these criminals, the European Union has undertaken many
important initiatives to tackle smuggling, resulting in the arrest of hundreds of facili-
tators. The Commission is also putting in place awareness campaigns in many coun-
tries of origin and transit to warn people about the risks of embarking on journeys to
Regarding access to the asylum procedure and assistance to refugees, there is an
urgent need for EU Member States to implement fully the Common European
Asylum System in order to ensure effective, safe and fair access to the asylum pro-
cedure, including at the borders. At the same time, a serious effort must be made to
establish a truly European programme for the resettlement of refugees. But Europe
needs to do more.
The Commission is actively discussing with the Member States on how to ensure a
more balanced distribution of resettled refugees. Member States need to understand
that refugees are not a burden; on the contrary, if the integration process is suc-
cessful and if their access to employment is encouraged and facilitated, they can be
an important resource for the host country.
People who seek and obtain refugee status in the European Union should become
fully part of our societies. The European Commission will continue to help and sup-
port Member States in implementing and developing integration measures and poli-
cies at the local, regional and national levels.
All migration challenges are closely interrelated and require a European response.
That is why the Commission will present a comprehensive approach in a European
Agenda on Migration, with central objectives:
● To assist migrants in need of protection (be it asylum seekers, refugees or victims
of trafficking);
● To reinforce Europe’s borders in respect of migrants rights and to better manage
irregular migration flows;
● To make Europe attractive by opening legal channels and supporting integration.
To achieve these objectives, migration has to be embedded in all relevant external
and internal EU policies.
Finally, we must not forget an important additional challenge that we are facing,
inside Europe. We need to change the perception of the public opinion on migration.
Our biggest concern is the rise of racism and xenophobia, fuelled by populist move-
ments across Europe.
The European Commission is determined to build on, and further develop, coherent,
comprehensive and effective policies that allow all migrants of all origin and com-
munity to find their place and have a bright future in our societies.