Trade with Greece
lenging and long-term process and can only work
in discussion with Member States, including on a
more horizontal approach to legal migration poli-
cy. According to Mr. Avramopoulos, the proper
management of the Blue Card according to the
actual professional needs of each European soci-
ety, may soon be instrumental in reversing the
economic-labour market environment, especially
in countries tested by the crisis, such as Greece.
Human trafficking
People migrate irregularly for political, social, eco-
nomic, as well as criminal reasons. Many of these
migrants make use of smugglers, or are taken
advantage of by human traffickers. Based on the
existing legislation on irregular migration and the
fight against human trafficking, Mr. Avramopoulos
enhances the Commission’s actions in this area.
He is working towards a comprehensive set of
actions against human smuggling, and intends to
further develop concrete tools targeting priority
countries and routes, in close collaboration with
third countries, also through existing readmission
agreements and cooperation frameworks (e.g.
the Rabat, Khartoum or Budapest processes).
Securing the external borders
The Commission’s key premise on Migration is to
preserve an area without internal borders, as well
as a solid asylum and migration policy that can
only be sustained if Europe manages its external
borders in full respect of fundamental rights.
Border management is a joint responsibility of the
European Union and the member states, and
enforcing the surveillance of EU’s external bor-
ders is of vital interest to all. The preparation of
the European Agenda on Migration will provide an
opportunity for discussing whether and to what
extent Frontex, the EU’s Border Agency, needs a
budget rise, as well as more operational assets
and human resources to better address the evolv-
ing challenge at the external borders of the
European Union. “We need to pool more
resources amongst Member States if we truly
want to reinforce the work of Frontex and put
European Border Guard Teams into action” says
the Commission.
In regard to terrorism, in the coming months the
European Commission will adopt a European
Agenda on Security for the period 2015-2020,
which will reorient the European Union’s internal
security, so as to meet the challenges posed by
current criminal and terrorist threats. Certain
major elements are already under discussion:
–Continuing to reinforce the efficiency of the
Schengen Information System with even more