Trade with Greece 2015 - page 51

Trade with Greece
enter the labour market, render social systems
sustainable and solve the households’ problems.
In order for this to happen, though, Greece’s real
economy must become more attractive to private
investment — and this requires an improvement
in competitiveness.
Liquidity is the issue
According to surveys carried out by the Trade and
Services Institute (INEMY) of the National
Confederation of Hellenic Commerce (NCHC),
there was an improvement in the overall liquidity of
corporations and limited liability companies in 2013.
In contrast, almost 6 out of 10 general-limited part-
nerships and sole proprietorships indicated a sub-
stantial decrease in their liquidity.
In 2014, most corporations and limited liability
companies estimated that their liquidity remained
unchanged, while one in three companies reported
an improvement.
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