Trade with Greece 2015 - page 18

he sector is sensitive and requires con-
stant monitoring, upgrading of services
and products, modernisation, and a
growth plan. In this context we are shaping a new
tourist strategy that will assist the national effort.
Based on European standards and tested prac-
tices, we are providing realistic solutions that offer
new prospects for both the country and the prac-
titioners of tourism.
Our aim is clear: we want a 12-month, 365-days-
a-year Tourism.
We will move forward on the basis of this
prospect, seeking to produce results, and believ-
ing in the common effort with the people and the
professional groups that comprise the sector or
are directly related to it.
We also emphasize on boosting domestic
demand, as well as on the sustainable growth of
internal tourism, since it is well known that inter-
nal tourism is in decline as a result of the eco-
nomic crisis, and this is a situation we must deal
with and reverse.
The main axis of our activities, the fundamental
philosophy of our policy is “Tourism for All”. This
will inform the anticipated multiple-benefit out-
come, i.e. to turn tourism into a strong pillar and
engine of the new national growth effort, with a
decisive contribution to the country’s GDP and
the creation of new jobs.
The government guarantees the growth and
development of Greek tourism, emphasizing on
the high quality of service. In this context, the
Ministry of Tourism will promote all the necessary
changes and initiatives that improve the tourist
industry, focusing on PEOPLE and their quality of
Trade with Greece
Greek tourism is on the rise, and this is good
for both the sector and Greece’s economy as a
whole. The continuation of this favourable
trend which came as a result of the collective
efforts of the tourism stakeholders and the
state, requires constant care and alertness.
The structural upgrading
of Greek tourism
By Elena Kountoura,
Alternate Minister of Economy, Infrastructure, Shipping
and Tourism
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