espite the consequences of this reces-
sion, Greece still maintains such strate-
gic characteristics that enable the coun-
try to play an important role in the global business
●Greece is a member of the Euro zone, which
allows the country to enjoy all benefits of such
participation, like the reduction of uncertainty
due to the absence of exchange rate risks, the
easier circulation of goods, services, capital
and labour, lower costs of trade and finance.
●Greece is strategically and geographically located
at the crossroads of Europe, Asia and the Middle
East, which favours its role as an international
transit centre.
●Greece is a safe country, for both its residents
and visitors.
●Still, Greece is a global power in strategic sec-
tors of the economy, such as shipping and
Especially in regard to the tourist sector, accord-
ing to the latest available data from the World
Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC), the percent-
age increase in arrivals in Greece for 2014 has
been the highest in Europe and the fifth highest
The exports of Greek products (mainly food &
beverages, industrial products, chemical prod-
ucts) are expected to grow by 4.7% in 2015, a fact
Trade with Greece
According to official data by international and
European organizations, after six years of
deep recession, Greece is gradually recovering.
The European Commission estimates that
the Greek economy will show 2.5% growth in
2015 and 3.6% in 2016, while other
fundamental economic indexes are expected
to develop positively, with a gradual reduction
of public debt and long-term unemployment.
Greece will regain an
important place in the
global economic and
business environment
By Panos Kammenos, President of the Independent
Hellenes party, Minister of National Defence