Trade with Greece 2015 - page 28

t has ports, airports, and a state-of-the-art
road network (Egnatia Highway), while all
aspects of its infrastructures are continually
upgraded. The proof of the region’s huge geopolit-
ical, commercial and productive value is demon-
strated by the fact that, despite its indisputable
Greekness, it has become a “holy grail” for all sur-
rounding nations, which quite often in history
sought to establish sovereign rights on its territory.
The main responsibility of the Ministry is to create
an effective springboard for investment proposals
and plans that will highlight the huge value of
Macedonia and Thrace and promote their compre-
hensive and meaningful development.
The policies pursued by the previous governments
proved to be ineffective, and some of them were
actually an impediment to any investment effort.
We are referring to the stifling red tape and the
crushing taxation that were imposed across the
board and without any growth rationale; the failure
to deal with energy costs; the mismanagement and
poor absorption of previous European funds; and
the lack of straightforward central planning.
We should also remember that, in the past few
years, the crisis caused a huge “hemorrhage” of
skilled personnel abroad, which no one tried to pre-
But Greece is changing to the better.
The new political trend is to approach investments
that will be sustainable and profitable, both for the
investors, and for the country and its citizens. In
this context, there will be changes in the tax sys-
tem, directly aimed at promoting investment, in
conjunction with cutting on red tape, while the
improvement of industrial relations is an incentive
for keeping skilled personnel at home.
Trade with Greece
The wider region of Macedonia and Thrace is
a major hub for tourism, commerce, cultural
interchange, the production and transporta-
tion of goods, as well cultural and historical
wonders, having cross-border relations with
four states (Turkey, Bulgaria, FYROM, and
Albania) and strong relations with the other
nearby states, such as Serbia and Romania.
Macedonia - Thrace:
an historical crossroads
of investment, culture,
trade and tourism
By Maria Kollia-Tsaroucha,
Deputy Minister for Macedonia-Thrace
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