hanks to the persistent and systematic
efforts of the government and the prime
minister personally, the Greek economy’s
financing has been secured, confidence in the
country has been restored, its image overseas
has improved and the national reconstruction
effort is being realized with the implementation of
the necessary reforms.
The strong dynamic of the marine economy can
play a pivotal role in this national effort, because
Greek-owned shipping:
● holds the top position internationally, with
97.5% of its activities firmly focused on the
international shipping trade;
● the Greek-owned fleet numbers 3,325 ships,
which represent 15% of global tonnage and an
impressive ship age average of only 10.5 years;
● additionally, and despite negative develop-
ments relating to transportable trade in the
global marine sector, the Greek ship register
numbers almost 2,000 ships;
● there are over 1,300 shipping companies
involved in international shipping with regis-
tered headquarters in Greece;
● the positive performance of shipping in relation
to the rest of the Greek economy is proof of the
fact that shipping is the only sector of the econ-
omy in which unemployment has not become
a pandemic.
On the other hand, Greece’s most important
comparative advantage is its positioning and
geography. It boasts a key position within the
broader area of the Balkans and the eastern
Mediterranean, acting as the gateway between
the East, Europe and the West and ports that
operate as entry and transit points not only to the
Greek mainland, but also to neighbouring coun-
tries to the north and east. Sixteen thousand kilo-
metres of coastline, one thousand two hundred
islands, four thousand eight hundred islets – the
country with the longest coastline and the largest
number of islands in the Mediterranean basin.
Trade with Greece
In 2012, and especially following
the June elections, Greece managed
to overcome the course it seemed,
until then, fated to follow.
The strong dynamic of
the marine economy
can play a pivotal role
in the national effort
By Kostis Moussouroulis,
Minister of Shipping,
Maritime Affairs & the Aegean