& commerce, manufacture and tourism, in collab-
oration with the country’s 13 regions.
Our second priority, infrastructure projects, are
set to go ahead, as we have agreed with the con-
cessionaires on the four major road construction
projects and are negotiating with the banks in
order to restart the projects by spring 2013. The
Athens Metropolitan Subway continues to expand
as scheduled, and so does the tramway in
Piraeus, whereas the Thessaloniki subway proj-
ect is still on. 14 regional infrastructure projects,
worth €340 million, have been auctioned or are in
progress, while the waste management public-
private partnership projects in 6 regions are also
As for structural changes, we are already apply-
ing the policies of the first pillar of our National
Exports Strategy and shall present the other two
pillars, on widening and promoting exports, within
the first quarter of 2013. Furthermore, the new
Investment Promotion Bill has passed through
public consultation and shall be soon tabled to
Parliament. Among others, it provides for a single
licensing authority, which is expected to cut down
on red tape, as well as for computerised monitor-
ing, which is expected to increase transparency.
In order to reinforce competition in the market and
promote entrepreneurship we have taken meas-
ures designed to reduce administrative costs for
businesses, remove entry barriers and reduce
distortions. A series of new market and health reg-
ulations are expected to allow more businesses
sell more products from more outlets. The new
Market Code includes the extension of the sales
periods, as well as the optional Sunday opening
of small stores.
On the privatisations front, the new bill to restruc-
ture and update the Civil Aviation Authority will help
us start the procedure of privatising regional air-
ports through long-term leases. The state railways
(OSE) have been split into two companies, an oper-
ating company and the owner of the infrastructure
and materials rolling stock, and all regulations
required for settling the issue of state aid handed
out in the past have been adopted. The same pro-
cedures will be followed in privatising the postal
service (ELTA) and the two major water utilities.
Obviously the road ahead is long and difficult. We
must remain focussed on the overall purpose of
reviving our economy and definitively leading our
country away from the recession. It is clear that,
under the circumstances, it is not the government
that will succeed at the end of the day – it is
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