The proposal of SYRIZA-EKM is clear and offers
the only way out:
● Immediate annulment of the Memorandum,
with the aim of putting an end to austerity, and
promotion of a national plan for the economic,
social and ecological reconstruction of the
country, as well as
● Renegotiation of the loan agreement, with the
aim of erasing the terms that are contrary to
national sovereignty, and convocation of a
European conference, along the lines of the
one that took place in London in 1953 in order
to settle Germany’s debt. If such a conference
is not possible to hold: a bilateral agreement
with lenders, concerning a moratorium on debt
servicing, a large debt haircut and repayment
of the remainder under a “growth clause”.
The national plan for reconstruction includes
three additional pillars:
1. Socially equitable and sustainable fiscal
, focused on the increase of public
revenues as a percentage of GDP to the euro
zone average.
2. The promotion of the sweeping, progres-
sive reforms
that the country needs in order to
escape, once and for all, from the mire of this
revolving recession:
● A new tax system. Fair, simple, transparent
and effective. That will expand the tax base.
That will restore tax justice and put an end to
the tax immunity of the rich. With the electron-
ic asset registry at its core; that is, the regis-
tration of every taxpayer’s movable and real
property. Not only in Greece. But also abroad.
● A new political system. Free from the Hydra-
headed monster of cronyism and enmeshed
interests; liberated from the oligarchs’ cartel. The
practice of owning multiple media will be termi-
nated; along with the forays of state contractors
in the field of the media. We will cut the umbilical
cord that connects the political system with the
media owners’ parasitic state within a state.
● A new public administration. For the full
restructuring of the state’s organization, based
on social reciprocity, the reduction of red tape
and the provision of citizens with effective
services. Also based on sound and productive
private enterprise. The main priority will be to
wean public administration off partisan ties,
favouritism and the lack of meritocracy.
3.The productive reconstruction and develop-
ment of the economy.
Based on activities that
facilitate the adjustment of productive specializa-
tion, the containment of the trade deficit and the
enhancement of the country’s economic inde-
pendence. It will be focused on, and will direct
public investment to, five clusters of production
and growth: agrifood, tourism, energy, green
industry, and construction.
This is the outline of the reconstruction pro-
gramme proposed by SYRIZA-U.S.F; the pro-
gramme that will rebuild Greece.
Trade with Greece