By using shipping and ports as its main policy
tools, the Ministry of Shipping & the Aegean is
committed to actively and effectively contributing
to the national effort for the recovery of the growth
and development process and the fight against
Within this framework, the ministry’s main actions
● The formulation of a national strategy for sup-
porting Greece’s shipping grid, the business
development and specialization of ports based
on business criteria, the segregation of port
administration and port operation functions,
the attraction of private investment capital.
With the application of this new strategy Greek
ports will change, they will become free to dis-
play their strengths, to take advantage of the
great opportunities now becoming apparent
and become vehicles for development, as well
as a guarantee of prosperity for all parties
● Ensuring a stable institutional framework for
safeguarding a climate of trust for the shipping
companies that are already established, or
wish to relocate, in Greece.
● The establishment of a friendly institutional
framework aimed at attracting foreign and
Greek vessels to visit, and stay in, Greek
● The streamlining of the existing ship registra-
tion process and the ship registration institu-
tional framework, in accordance with current
national legislation.
● The promotion of the international position and
competitiveness of the Greek shipping register.
● The modernization of maritime training and the
preparation of a programme for attracting
young people to marine professions.
● The promotion of legislative reforms in marine
tourism, in close collaboration with the co-
responsible ministries (of Tourism, of the
Environment, Energy & Climate Change, of
Development & Competitiveness, of
Infrastructures, Transport and Networks).
The sea and shipping constitute a privileged area for
the development of Greek business activities.
Relevant facts and figures, as well as historical expe-
rience have shown that the marine economy can
help Greece overcome the difficulties, develop a new
perspective for the exploitation/management of
national resources and cultivate a new business cul-
ture on a par with the demands being formed on the
European and international levels.
Trade with Greece