s a matter of fact, no one could blame
those who thought that way. It was
because they have heard only one side of
the story. After all, we, the people of international
trade, are always calculating risks and facts and
numbers before planning and executing our busi-
ness plans. But we are also optimists by nature.
We take into account other prospects, too.
For example, did you know that Greece is No. 1
exporter in the world in fish farming products?
Or among the top-3 producers of olives, olive
oil, saffron and kiwi? No. 5 exporter of aspara-
gus? In the top-10 of cotton producers and
exporters, and in the top-15 in regard to cheese
products? Greece is a key supplier of agricul-
tural products in EU and OECD countries. In
fact, Greece is the No. 1 supplier of 35 agricul-
tural products in 14 countries. Greece boasts
more than 90 products of Protected Designation
of Origin, like Chios mastiha or feta cheese.
Greece is also among the top 3 producers of alu-
minium and smectites in the world and No. 1 in
Europe in bauxite, also having unique reserves of
nickel and magnesite. In the meantime, there are
massive projects regarding the exploitation of
gold, gas and petroleum reserves, or even the
exploitation of renewable sources of energy, from
the sun, wind and water.
So, Greece is not only feta cheese and olive oil.
For the past decades, the Greek economy and
Trade with Greece
The publication you are holding in your
hands is a yearly Guide for Trade with
Greece. Many may wonder over what roads
or barriers one would have to overcome
while trading with Greece in a time of deep
recession. For the past three years there has
been a perception of a Greek economy in
ruins, of a country in distress. There has
been a lot of scepticism whether it is safe or
wise to do business in Greece.
We are not born to wait.
We are born to act
By Christina Sakellaridis,
President of the Panhellenic Exporters Association
and the Export Credit Insurance Organization
*Dean Koontz, American author