Liberalization of the energy market
– Lignite-fired power generation
More specifically, the leadership of the Ministry
has recently presented the EU’s Directorate
General for Competition with the specification of
the government’s proposal on lignite-fired power
As part of the meetings that began in July 2010
among the Greek government and the represen-
tatives of the European Commission, the
European Central Bank and the International
he Minister for the Environment, Energy
and Climate Change, Tina Birbili, and the
responsible deputy Minister, G.
Maniatis, seek the realization of €20 billion
worth of investments in “green growth” by 2015.
The effort to implement the 20-20-20 rule, as
part of the EU’s green energy mandate, has
already started at the Ministry and is also gain-
ing momentum as a result of the Memorandum
of Economic & Fiscal Policies signed by Greece
and the EU, the IMF and the ECB.
Trade with Greece
The major energy stakes
for 2011
By Christos Colonas
The opening of the electricity market, and above all, lignite-fired
power generation, the development of renewable energy
sources and energy efficiency in buildings, as well as the develop-
ment and exploitation of hydrocarbons and the mineral wealth of
Greece, are the government’s major energy stakes.