“Attiki Odos” ring road, as well as a series of
large- and smaller-scale projects will be the focus
of attention throughout the entire 2011. More
specifically, the following projects are expected to
be launched during 2011:
1) New Attiki Odos.
The plans regarding the
extensions of the “Attiki Odos” ring road are
expected to be finalized in early 2011. The ten-
dering of the new highway projects for Attica has
been scheduled for this year; however, the exten-
sion plans will result from the public consultation
for the master plan for Athens, while it has already
been decided that they will be scaled down to
50% of the original plans presented a year ago.
According to Ministry sources, the project’s length
will be only 35 kilometers, instead of the 63 km
planned by the previous leadership of the
MINENV. More specifically, the plans provide for
the extension of the Western Hemettus Beltway
up to Vouliagmenis Avenue, as well as the con-
struction of a tunnel under mount Hemettus at
Cyprus square in the Ilioupoli district, which will
link this area with Attiki Odos at Koropi.
Construction is expected to begin in early 2012,
while the project for the highway that will connect
the Olympic Stadium with the National Road is
expected to be tendered during the current year.
2) Kastelli Airport.
This project had been ten-
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